English Modal Question Paper-2023-Class-10th

Model Question Paper (With Answer) Class 10th Subject – ENGLISH
10 वीं मॉडल प्रश्नपत्र विषय – अंग्रेजी
Section ‘A’
Q 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it :
Indira Gandhi was the first woman Prime Minister of India. She was born in Allahabad on November 19, 1917. She was the only child of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru and Kamla Nehru. Indira was a lovely child so her parents and grandparents called her Indira Priyadarshini.
They lived in a big house. Its name was Anand Bhawan.
Little Indira had many dolls. Some of them were from foreign. She loved to play with them. She dressed them like brides and bridegrooms or Raja and Rani or Satyagrahis and Policemen.
At the age of four, Indira went to Gandhiji’s Ashram at Sabarmati. There she slept on the floor and ate simple food.
(a) Indira Gandhi lived in……… .
(i) Kamla Bhawan
(ii) Nehru Bhawan
(iii) Anand Bhawan
(iv) Gandhi Bhawan
Ans. (iii) Anand Bhawan
(b) At what age, Indira Gandhi went to Gandhi Ashram?
(i) 8
(ii) 4
(iii) 10
(iv) 6
Ans. (ii) 4
(c) Gandhiji’s Ashram was at:
(i) Allahabad
(ii) Lucknow
(iii) Delhi
(iv) Sabarmati
Ans. (iv) Sabarmati
(d) Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India?
Ans. Indira Gandhi
(e) Which word in the passage means ‘Newly married man’?
Ans. Bridegroom.
Q 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it :
Water, as we all know, is a valuable asset and most vital for the continuation of life on earth, so there is a need to use water sensibly. As responsible and educated inhabitants of this planet earth, it is our duty to create awareness among others to be a part of the water conscious community. Water should be used strictly according to our need and requirement. The need to conserve water both at home and at school should be reiterated among students. To conserve water, we need to reduce use of water, avoid wasting water and improve water management and adopt practices like rainwater harvesting, recycling etc. While learning to implement water conservation principles, a few activities can prove to our advantage. These include any beneficial reduction in water loss, its use and waste of resources, avoiding any kind of damage to water quality and improved water management practices that enhance the beneficial use of water.
(a) How is water a valuable asset?
Ans. Water is a valuable asset as it is the most vital for the continuation of life on earth.
(b) Rainwater harvesting is a useless practice to conserve water. [True/False]
Ans. False
(c) We should create ……… to use water sensibly.
(i) adopt
(ii) awareness
(iii) reduce
(iv) reiterated.
Ans. (ii) awareness
(d) To conserve water we need to:
(i) avoid wasting water
(ii) recycle water
(iii) reduce use of water
(iv) all of the above.
Ans. (iv) all of the above
(e) We are the inhabitants of planet:
(i) Mars
(ii) Venus
(iii) Earth
(iv) Mercury
Ans. (iii) Earth
Section ‘B’
Q 3. Read the following passage carefully make notes and supply a suitable title:
Games and sports are an important part of education. They help in the development of the physique and mind of the student. A sound body possesses a sound mind. If we are weak and sick, we cannot have a fertile brain. Games and sports keep us healthy. They keep us active and make us smart. Mere bookish knowledge would not lead to be blended in a suitable proportion so that the students can have the best of them. They should not only develop the mind but also the body. Both are essential for a wholesome personality.
Games and sports have great value in student life. The foundation for a virtuous is laid in school. The sports arena teaches many things to the students given them discipline. It develops, their sportsman spirit, mental outlook, cheerful nature, strong physique. All these are important traits of successful life.
(A) Notes:
(1) Speech is a great blessing as well as curse.
(2) If used carelessly, it can make our attitude misunderstood.
(3) It can create an enemy or a friend.
(4) It should be used carefully.
(B) Title: Speech – A Blessing or a Curse.
Q 4. Write a letter to the Editor, Readers’ digest requesting him to send you the magazine by post regularly every month.
70, Jawahar Marg.
Ratlam (M. P.)
Dated: 6/12/20…
The Editor,
Readers’ Digest,
Subject- Annual Subscription of Readers’ Digest
I wish to be a regular subscriber to your magazine Readers’ Digest. I am enclosing herewith a cheque of 502 as the annual subscription.
Please send me Readers’ Digest on the above address regularly commencing from the issue of month December 6, 2023<
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
Kavya Pravah Temre
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination.
51, Azad Marg,
Manawar (Distt. Dhar)
6th December, 2023
Dear Nitesh,
Hearty congratulations on your huge success in the High School Examinations. I saw your result in our school. You have stood first getting distinction in all subjects. You have put an example before me. We all are very happy to know this. I distributed sweets among my friends.
Rest on meeting.
Yours lovingly,
Kavya Pravah Temre
Q 5. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 150 words:
Online Education
1. Introduction― Online education is one of the imminent trends in the education sector around the globe. This mode of learning is done through the internet. Online education enables educators to communicate with students who may not be capable of enrolling in a traditional classroom course and assists students who need to work on their own schedule and at their own speed.
2. Need for Online Education― Since the COVID-19 pandemic had disrupted, the normal lifestyle of people across the world and the virtual world had come to the rescue. Amongst many institutions, schools had also shifted their base to virtual platforms to conduct online classes. Online classes were a boon in the time of pandemic.
3. Benefits― Online education is known to offer the benefit of synergy. Here, the format employed makes room for dynamic communications between students and teachers through these communications, sources are shared and an open ended synergy evolves through a learning process. When each person bestows a view or opinion through discussions, it benefits the students to learn better. This unique advantages is manifested in a student-centred virtual learning environment that online learning format can contribute.
One of the important aspects of online education is its flexibility. One has to be extremely self-motivated.
4. Conclusion― Online education’s potential advantages involve increased educational access. It provides a high quality learning opportunity, improves student outcomes and skills and expands educational choice options. Therefore, location, time and quality are no longer considered factors in seeking degree courses or higher education because of online education.
A Cricket Match
1. Introduction― Games are very necessary for us. There is a saying that a sound mind lives in a sound body. If we are weak and sick, our mind cannot work properly. Games not only keep us healthy, but also make our mind sharp and tough. They also develop good qualities like brotherhood, co-operation and team work.
2. My Favourite Game― There are several games and a person plays one of the games in which he takes much interest. My favourite game is cricket. I like this game very much. In my childhood 1 played with a plastic bat and ball. When I grew up, I used to play with the boys of my neighbourhood.
3. The Matches― Cricket is played at several levels. Many International matches are organised. People watch these games live, telecast on TV. They take great interest in these matches. National feelings are attached with it. One-day and T-20 format of matches have become very popular.
4. A Match Played in Our School― A limited over match was played in our school. One team was Principal’s Eleven and the other Teachers’ Eleven. The match was played on a Sunday. Many guests were invited. Our parents were also invited. I was in the team of Teachers’ Eleven. The match was fixed for 30 overs. Principal Eleven won the toss and they elected to bat. The openers of the Principal Eleven were Shafi Mohammad and Gopal Nikam. Shafi Mohammad scored 12 runs and was caught out. Sukh Dev was our bowler. Gopal Nikam played for a long time. He is a very good player. He scored 25 runs with 2 fours and 1 six. Two players were run out. All the players were out in 29 overs with 100 runs. Then our team started batting. Our openers were Mukesh Makwane and Nilesh Rawal. They played very well and made 50 runs. I could not make many runs. I was caught trying to hit a boundary. We made 102 runs in 29 overs and 2 balls. Thus we won the match. The opposite team also played very well.
5. Conclusion― Cricket is a wonderful game. It is more enjoyable when it is played with perfect honesty and fairness.
Science in our Daily Life
1. Introduction― We are living in the age of science. It has made our life easier and comfortable. Science plays an important role in our daily life. It has made the dreams and imaginations of man true. By observation of simple events, man has invented great things. Science has changed the lifestyle of man.
2. Scientific Inventions― There are many scientific inventions that have made our life very comfortable. Electricity is the greatest invention of science. It serves us in many ways. It lights our houses, it entertains us with TV and radio. It helps us to draw water. It runs trains, mills and factories. It cools and warms our houses. Motor cars, scooters, railway engines, aeroplanes, computers etc. are all significant inventions of science. Modern life is impossible without these scientific inventions.
3. Means of Transport and Communications― Buses, cars, trains and aeroplanes have made travelling easier, comfortable and quicker. A man can reach any part of the world within hours. He has reached other planets with the help of rockets. With the introduction of long distance international telephone calls, we can talk to our friends and relatives living very far away from us. Mobile phone is of great use to men.
4. Medicine and Surgery― Science has cured man from very dreadful diseases such as T. B. and cancer have been controlled. It has made man healthier. In the field of surgery too, science has done wonders. Open heart surgery and heart-transplantation have become possible.
5. Computers― Scientists have invented computers. These are a wonderful invention. The computers can perform complex calculations and various other tasks in no time. They have solved a lot of problems of man.
6. Disadvantages― Science has given us atom bombs. They can destroy big cities and kill a lot of persons in a few seconds. Big factories and other machines have made water and air polluted.
7. Conclusion― Science has proved a great asset to modern man. If properly used, it can make the life of man healthier and happier. Man is called master of the world because of science.
Electric Vehicles.
1. Introduction― An electric vehicle is a vehicle that contains electric engines and requires a battery and electricity. It is very significant because it does not need non- renewable sources of energy such as petrol, diesel and CNG. Electricity can be generated through solar, hydro, thermal, wind etc. Electric bikes, electric cars, electric rickshaws are some examples of electric vehicles. Most of the trains including metros are already running worldwide through electricity.
2. Need for Electric Vehicles― The world population is increasing day-by-day drastically and the demand of means of transport also growing proportionally. Hence demand of fuel is also increasing which is a limited resource. With the increasing rate of pollution and global warming, it becomes inevitable to switch on conventional sources of energy. By using non-conventional sources of energy like electricity in our vehicles, we can prevent the emission of harmful gases in the environment. This causes air pollution which takes many lives every year.
3. Benefits― Advancement of technology helps for betterment of human life. Some of the benefits are:
(i) Electric vehicles does not emit smoke hence helps in reducing the pollution.
(ii) Petrol, diesel and CNG are non-renewable natural resources of energy. Use of electric vehicles can be very helpful for conservation of these natural resources.
(iii) Electric vehicles will reduce the dependency of a nation on petroleum export countries.
(iv) It provides smooth and noiseless driving.
(v) It has low maintenance.
4. Disadvantages― (i) The electric vehicle is limited by short driving range and speed.
(ii) It takes 6 to 10 hours to fully charge the battery. Charging time makes the condition worst.
(iii) Charging stations are not present in all cities.
(iv) Charging can be two times more expensive.
(v) Battery needs to be replaced, which can cause lot of money.
5. Conclusion― Government is continuously promoting the use of electric vehicles. Recently Delhi government has launched ‘Switch Delhi’ campaign to promote the use of electric vehicles.
Electric vehicles are the future of means of transport. It becomes more necessary when we think about the growing population, pollution and global warming.
On the basis of the following points, prepare an article in about 80 words:
Trees-g ift of nature, friends of man, trees provide oxygen, timber, cause rainfall, cutting of trees- ecological imbalance, do tree plantation.
Trees are very important for us. They are true friends of man. They are a precious gift of nature to man. They provide us fruits to eat and fire wood to burn. They also support the life of living things. They give us oxygen. We make furniture and houses by timber provided by trees. Trees cause rainfall. Now-a-days, due to various reasons many trees are being cut. It causes ecological imbalance. Global warming increases. There is a need to plant new trees. Tree plantation should be made a compulsory drive throughout the nation and every citizen should actively participate in it and do tree plantation.
Q 6. Look at the visual input given below and write a small paragraph in about 75 words.
This is ‘Taj Mahal’ means ‘Crown palace”. It is situated in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The land of Taj is rich in its cultural heritage. Agra, the city of Taj was once the capital of the Mughal Empire.
Taj Mahal, a spectacle in white marble, is an awesome monument. It is the monument of love that Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan gave to the world, stands as a testimony of his intense love for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is made up of white marble and glorified with precious and semi-precious stones.
It is the most well preserved and architecturally beautiful tomb in the world. It stands on the bank of river Yamuna. Tourists from all over the world visit Agra to make a pilgrimage to Taj Mahal, India’s most famous architectural wonder.
It is often described as one of the wonders of the world. The architecture of Taj Mahal is a combination of Islamic, Persian and Indian style.
Section ‘C’
Q 7. Fill in the blanks (any five):
(i) Iron is an useful metal. (a, an, the)
(ii) I shall reach there by 2 p. m. (by, during, for)
(iii) I saw a tiger yesterday. (see, saw, seeing)
(iv) Seema does her homework daily. (do, does, did)
(v) I am not afraid of lizard. (on, of, off)
(vi) The boy who is singing, is my friend. (who, whom, what)
(vii) He dived into the river. (in, on, into)
Q 8. Do as directed (any five):
(i) Rajiv sings a song. (Change into past indefinite tense)
Ans.Rajiv sang a song.
(ii) Suman will help you. (Make an interrogative sentence)
Ans.Will suman help you?
(iii) He was punished for stealing the ring. (Make a question with ‘why’)
Ans.Why was he punished for stealing the ring?
(iv) You have not drawn money. (Change into passive voice)
Ans.Money has not been drawn by you.
(v) The boy is my brother. You met the boy. (Rewrite using ‘whom’)
Ans.The boy whom you met is my brother.
(vi) You treat me like your brother. I will help you. (Combine with As’)
Ans.As you treat me like your brother I will help you.
(vii) have/we/work/done/our. (Rearrange the words to make a sentence)
Ans.We have done our work.
Section ‘D’
Q 9. Choose the correct option.
(i) The lesson ‘His First Flight’ is about a:
(a) Pilot
(b) Parrot
(c) Mother
(d) Seagull
Ans. (d) Seagull
(ii) What is the sweet bread called in Goa which accompanies the marriage gifts?
(a) Pader
(b) Bol
(c) Bolinhas
(d) Kabai
Ans. (b) Bol
(iii) Which plantation is popular in Assam?
(a) Tea plantation
(b) Wheat plantation
(c) Coffee plantation
(d) Rice plantation
Ans. (a) Tea plantation
(iv) Buddha means…… .
(a) The old
(b) The wise
(c) The enlightened
(d) The knowledgeable
Ans. (c) The enlightened
Q 10. Read the extracts carefully and answer the following questions given below:
[A] “Don’t you want to have a look at the sights, now that you’re here?”
“All by myself? Oh, I’d be much too afraid.”
Greatly amused by the girl’s way of speaking, the conductor said, “But you
weren’t afraid to come in the bus.”
“Nothing to be afraid of about that,” she answered.
“Well, then, why not go to that stall over there and have something to drink?
Nothing to be afraid of about that either.”
(a) Who asked Valli to get off the bus?
(i) Driver
(ii) Old Lady
(iii) Conductor
(iv) Passengers
Ans. (iii) Conductor
(b) What did Valli wish for?
(i) Bus ride
(ii) Truck ride
(iii) Car ride
(iv) Cycle ride
Ans. (i) Bus ride
(c) Valli was ………. in the bus.
(i) nervous
(ii) sad
(iii) confident
(iv) depressed
Ans. (iii) confident
[B] Though to distinguish beasts of prey
A novice might nonplus,
The Crocodile you always may
Tell from the Hyena thus:
Hyenas come with merry smiles;
But if they weep they’re Crocodiles.
(a) How can a hyena be recognized?
(i) by his skin
(ii) by black spots
(iii) by his smile
(iv) by his colour
Ans. (iii) by his smile
(b) Which of these animals weeps while eating its prey?
(i) Tiger
(ii) Hyena
(iii) Bear
(iv) Crocodile
Ans. (iv) Crocodile
(c) Name the poet of the poem:
(i) Carolyn Wells
(ii) Robert Frost
(iii) Robert Klein
(iv) John Berryman
Ans. (i) Carolyn Wells
Q 11. Answer the following short answer type questions in 30 words (Prose) (any six):
(i) Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?
And Lencho had faith in God. He decided to write a letter to God conveying his grievances and asking for 100 pesos for his crops and his family.
(ii) Why were two national anthems sung?
And Two National Anthems were sung as there were two communities/races. One was of the whites and the other of the blacks.
(iii) “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?
And The risk is flying the old Dakota aeroplane into the storm. The narrator takes the because he wanted to get home and have breakfast.
(iv) Why does Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?
And Anne had no friends who would listen to her with patience so she chose to confide more in her diary than in people. She used to feel “Paper has more patience than people”.
(v) What did Mij do to the box?
And Mij tore the lining of the box into shreds. In this process, he got hurt and blood started coming from all over the body. The blood trickled from airholes and chinks of the lid.
(vi) Where did Siddhartha Gautam get enlightenment? What name was given to him after that?
And Siddhartha Gautam got enlightenment under a peepal tree. After that he was known as Buddha.
(vii) Why was Rajvir excited to see the tea garden?
And Rajvir was excited to see the tea garden because he had never seen such a beautiful scenery before, as he lived in the city.
(viii) Why does the conductor call Valli ‘Madam’?
And The conductor calls Valli ‘madam’ because she behaved like a mature woman. She answered all the questions of the conductor confidently. This made the conductor amused and in order to tease her, he addressed her ‘Madam’.
Q 12. Answer the following short answer type questions in 30 words (Poetry)(any two):
(i) What is a hemlock tree? Why doesn’t the poet write about a more beautiful tree such as maple or an oak or a pine?
And A hemlock tree is a poisonous tree with small white flowers. The poet does not choose beautiful trees. He chooses the hemlock tree to present his mood and feelings.
(ii) Where are the trees in the poem? What do the roots, their leaves and their twigs do?
And In the poem, the trees are in the poet’s house. Their roots work all night to disengage themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor. The leaves make efforts to move towards the glass while the small twigs get stiff with exertion.
(iii) What does “in the world of possessions” mean?
And “In the world of possessions” means that the world is full of materialistic things, the things which bring joy, comfort and luxury in our life.
Q13. Answer the following short answer type questions in 30 words (Footprints)(any two):
(i) Why is Bholi’s father worried about her?
And Bholi’s father was worried about her because out of his seven children, only she had neither good looks nor intelligence. Nobody would marry her.
(ii) What kind of a person is Mme Loisel? Why is she always unhappy?
And Mme Loisel is a young, pretty simple girl who is never contented in life. She has big dreams of riches and comforts. She wants to be admired by all. She is always unhappy because her dreams cannot be true.
(iii) What does he say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed?
And According to him, when people are robbed, a greedy man shows fear, a rich man shows anger and a poor man shows acceptance.
Q 14. Answer the following long answer type question in 75 words (Prose):
Who read the letter? What did the postmaster do then?
And The postmaster read the letter. He first laughed but then he became serious. He was deeply moved by Lencho’s faith in God. He did not want to shake his faith so he decided to collect the money for him from his friends and colleagues.
What is the Chinese legend about tea?
And The Chinese legend about tea is that there was a Chinese emperor who always boiled water before drinking it. Once, few leaves fell into the water and gave it a delicious flavour. It is said, those were tea leaves.
Q15. Answer the following long answer type question in 75 words (poetry):
What do the ‘Crow’ and ‘Hemlock’ represent joy or sorrow? What does the dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
And The ‘Crow’ and ‘Hemlock’ tree represent sorrow and depression felt by the poet in this materialistic world.
The dust of snow is the symbol of natural joy and energy. The dust of snow that the crow shakes off a Hemlock tree means-from the sad moment the poet is entering into the time full of optimism.
What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Explain in your own words.
And The poet says that the boy will now learn the real meaning of life. He will learn to accept the changes in life and let go the things we can never have again. He will learn to move on in life despite of having losses as everyone has to experience this in his life. It can be a loss of something or someone. But life goes on. This is a harsh reality that, lost things never come back so we have to be strong to accept this truth of life.
Q16. Answer the following long answer type question in 75 words (Footprints):
Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why?
And Horace Danby collected the information about the house and location of valuable things though he failed to get enough information about the members of the house except for the dog’s real name. When he saw the lady, he was frightened, his clever mind gave way to carelessness and opened the safe without wearing gloves. He was fooled by the lady.
How did Ausable get rid of Max ?
And Max wanted some papers from Ausable, so he secretly entered his room. Ausable told max that he would complain to the police. Suddenly there was a knock and Ausable said, it is the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back. Ausable agreed and told Max to wait in balcony. Since there was no balcony, Max jumped out of the window. This how Ausable got rid of Max.
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