वार्षिक परीक्षा हेतु कक्षा-5 अंग्रेजी मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र-2

मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र-2 ll  Modal Question Paper-2

विषय – अंग्रेजी ll Subject -English

कक्षा-5 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024

Multiple Choice Questions (Q. 1-5)

Note― Read carefully and answer the questions-

In the heart of a seed
Buried deep, so deep
A dear little plant lay fast asleep
‘Wake’, said the sunshine
‘And creep to the light’.

Q. 1. Where was the seed buried?
(A) inside the soil
(B) in the water
(C) inside the sand
(D) outside the soil
Ans. (A) inside the soil

Q. 2. What is buried in the seed?
(A) little leaf
(B) little plant
(C) big plant
(D) big leaf
Ans. (B) little plant

Q. 3. Opposite of ‘asleep’ is–
(A) sleep
(B) rest
(C) awake
(D) die
Ans. (C) awake

Q. 4. ‘Wake’, said the ——– .
(A) light
(B) bright
(C) plant
(D) sunshine.
Ans. (D) sunshine.

Q. 5. What is the meaning of ‘creep’ here?

(A) to stop
(B) to run
(C) to move slowly
(D) to move fast
Ans. (C) to move slowly

Fill in the Blanks (Q. 6-10)
Q. 6. We thank God for everything.
Q.7. Babuji was in the service of nation.
Q. 8. The rabbit lives in a burrow.
Q. 9. Narendra was walking along the ghats of Ganga.
Q. 10. The feminine gender of ‘son’ is daughter.

Very Short Answer Type Questions (Q. 11 – 16)
Note― Answer the following questions in 1-2 words each.

Q. 11. Who is the great son of India?
Ans. Narendra (Swami Vivekanand)

Q. 12. Write masculine gender of the following-

(i) mare (ii) niece
Ans. (i) mare ― horse
(ii) niece ― nephew

Q. 13. Write the name of the upright box.
Ans. CPU

Q. 14. Who asked the little plant to come outside?
Ans. sunshine and raindrops

Q. 15. What is the ancient name of Maheshwar?
Ans. Mahishmati

Q. 16. Write one countable noun and one uncountable noun.
Ans. Countable – pen Uncountable – water.

Short Answer Type Questions (Q. 17-22)
Note- Answer the following questions in 1-2 sentences each.

Q. 17. How was the swan wounded?
Ans. The swan was hit by an arrow.

Q. 18. Which qualities does the dog have?

Ans. (i) The dog is gentle and polite.
(ii) The dog is good at doing tricks.

Q. 19. Mention the names of the flowers given in the poem ‘Spring is Coming’.
Ans. Pansy, Lily and Daffodil are mentioned in the poem.

Q. 20. Change the given adjectives into adverbs.

(i) slow, (ii) happy, (iii) bright, (iv) neat.
Ans. (i) slow ― slowly
(ii) happy ― happily
(iii) bright ― brightly
(iv) neat ― neatly.

Q. 21. Fill in the correct word from the bracket―

(i) There was a man in the garden. (man, men)
(ii) The boy goes to school everyday. (boy, boys)
(iii) There are twenty benches in the class. (bench, benches)

Q. 22. Frame questions from the statements given ―

(i) Gautam wrote a letter to Satish.
Question- Who wrote a letter to Satish?
(ii) Ananya lives in Bhopal.
Question- Where does Ananya live?
(iii) Kalpana Chawla was an astronaut.
Question- Who was Kalpana Chawla?


Long Answer Type Questions (Q. 23-26)

Note- Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each.

Q. 23. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Spring is Coming’?
Ans. The poet describes that with the coming of the spring the environment becomes beautiful and joyful. Flowers bloom and rivers are full of water.

Q. 24. What is multimedia lesson?
Ans. A multimedia lesson uses audio-visual effects along with a chance for children to work on them and find the correct answer.

Q. 25. Write an application to your Head Master seeking permission for picnic.

The Principal
Govt. Secondary School, Bhoma.
Subject – Application for seeking permission for picnic.
Respected sir,
With due respect, this is to state that I am a class monitor of class 5th (b). All the students of the class wish to go for a class picnic to the “Pench National Park”. Kindly give us permission to go and visit this sanctuary for a day.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Date-15 Feburary 2024
Ajay Temre
Roll No. 25
Class 5th (b)

Q. 26. Write five sentences on ‘Things God has Given Us’.

Ans. 1. God has given us many things.
2. God has given us our parents and friends.
3. God has given us trees which give us oxygen to breathe.
4. God has given us our home and nature.
5. We should be thankful to God for giving us so many gifts.

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