वार्षिक परीक्षा हेतु कक्षा-5 अंग्रेजी मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र-1

मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र-1 ll  Modal Question Paper-1

विषय – अंग्रेजी ll Subject -English

कक्षा-5 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2024

Multiple choice questions. (Q.1 to 5)
Instruction- Choose and write the correct option. Each question carries 1 mark.
Q.1 It was a hot, humid in Benaras.
(A) afternoon
(B) morning
(C) evening
(D) night
Ans― (A) afternoon

Q.2 Monkeys fed on the brought for them by the devotees.
(A) flowers and fruits
(B) fruits and cereals
(C) grass and leaves
(D) nuts and cereals
Ans― (B) fruits and cereals

Q.3 God has given us to read.
(A) food
(B) trees
(C) books
(D) bees
Ans― (C) books

Q.4 The past form of the verb “eat’ is…..
(A) eat
(B) eats
(C) eated
(D) ate
Ans― (D) ate

Q.5 What is the opposite of the word ‘found’?
(A) free
(B) lost
(C) pleasant
(D) available
Ans― (B) lost

Fill in the blanks. (Q. 6 to 10)
Instruction- Each question carries 1 mark.

Q.6 For our sisters and our brothers, we thank you ………… .
Q.7 Narendra walked along the ghats of the river ………. .
Q.8 God has given us …….. to sing.
Q.9 The plural of monkey is ……… .
Q.10 The meaning of the word ‘devotee’ is …… .
Q.6. God
Q.7 Ganga
Q.8 songs
Q.9 monkeys
Q.10 as of a religion

Very short answer type questions. (Q. 11 to 16)
Instruction- Answer the following questions in 1-2 sentences. Each question carries 2 marks.

Q.11 Who asked Narendra to face the monkeys?
Ans― A priest asked Narendra to face the monkeys.

Q.12 In the lesson ‘A visit to a Headstart Centre’ the children were divided into how many groups?
Ans― The children were divided into three groups.


Q.13 What was Narendra popularly known as?
Ans― Narendra was popularly known as Swami Vivekanand.

Q.14 What has God given us to live in?
Ans― God has given us everything to live in.

Q.15 Write the opposite gender of the following:

Ans― mother ― father
boy ―girl

Q.16 Write one rhyming word for the following:

Ans― sing – thing
tree – bees

Short answer type questions. (Q. 17 to 22)
Instruction- Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences. Each question carries 3 marks

Q.17 Why did the children go to the “Jan Shiksha Kendra”
Ans― The children went to the “Jan Shiksha Kendra” to learn about computer and to play language games.

Q.18 How did Narendra react when the monkeys followed him?
Ans― When the monkeys followed Narendra he frightened enough. He increased his pace and finally started running.


Q.19 What was the name of the fourth boy in the second row?
Ans― Deepak was the name of the fourth boy in the second row.

Q. 20 Why should we be thankful to God?
Ans― We should be thankful to God beacause God has given us everything to live.

Q.21 Punctuate the following sentences.

(i) i visited the zoo yesterday
(ii) have you completed your work
(iii) thank you sir
Ans― (i) I visited the zoo yesterday.
(ii) Have you completed your work?
(iii) Thank you sir.


Q.22 Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences.

(i) Friday/is/today
(ii) cooks/my mother/delicious food
(iii) the thief/arrested/ the policeman
Ans― (i) Today is Friday.
(ii) My mother cooks delicious food.
(iii) The policeman arrested the thief.

Long answer type questions. (Q. 23 to 26)
Instruction- Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.23 Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below.

Tigers are found in India and most of the countries of South-East Asia. They live in forests and grassy plains, where there are lots of other animals for them to hunt for food. If you see a tiger in the zoo, you may think its skin is brightly coloured and easily seen, but in the jungles and grasslands where it lives, a tiger is hard to see. It has strong, sharp teeth, which it uses for catching animals. A tiger’s chief food is deer, wild pigs, monkeys and other animals.

(i) Where are the tigers found?
Ans― Tigers are found in India and most of the countries of South-East Asia.

(ii) Where do the tigers live?
Ans― The tigers live in forests and grassy plains, where there are lots of other animals for them to hunt for food.

(iii) What is the chief food of tiger?
Ans― The chief food tiger are deer, wild pigs, monkeys and other animals.

(iv) Write two words which describe the tiger’s teeth.
Ans― (1) strong (2) sharp

(v) Write the rhyming word for ‘found”.
Ans― ground

Q.24 Read the following part of a poem carefully and answer the questions given below.

In summer I’m very glad,
We children are so small,
For we can see a thousand things,
That men can’t see at all.
They don’t know much about the moss,
And all the stones they pass,
They never lie and play among,
The forest in the grass.

(i) In which season does the poet remain glad?
Ans― In summer season the poet remain glad.

(ii) Who do not know much about the moss and stones?
Ans― Men do not know much about the moss and stones.

(iii) Where do the men never lie and play?
Ans― In the forest the men never lie and play.

(iv) What is the rhyming word for ‘small’?
Ans― tall

(v) Write a word used in the poem for the area that has a large number of trees.
Ans― forest

Q.25 Write an application to your Headmaster for two days leave on account of illness.

The Headmaster,
Govt. Primary School, Bhoma.
Subject – Application for sick leave for two days. Respected Sir,
Respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of 5th. I am not well. I am unable to attend the school. Kindly grant me leave for two days from 22 December, 2023 to 23 December, 2023.
I shall be thankful to you.
Date 22 December, 2023 …… Yours sincerely,
………………………………………………. ABC
………………………………………………. Class – 5th

Q.26 Write five sentences about your favourite pet animal. Use the clues given below.

Pet animal
liked by
everyone in the family
becomes a part of the family.

Ans― (i) I have a cow the pet animal.
(ii) It is very useful.
(iii) It is intersting and playful.
(iv) It is liked by everyone in the family
(v) It becomes a part of the family.

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🙏🏻 आपका दिन शुभ हो 🙏🏻


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