ENGLISH PRACTICE PAPER-5 for Annual Evaluation Class-5


for Annual Evaluation Class-5

Subject- General English

Note: All questions are compulsory.

Q. 1. Choose the correct answer and write:


(i) The priest told Narendra to…………………….

(a) hide

(b) run away

(c) feed the monkeys

(d) face the monkeys


(ii) Pansies, lilies and daffodils are the names of ……………..

(a) cities

(b) children

(c) flowers

(d) rivers


(iii) The wounded swan was saved by…………………….

(a) Devadatta

(b) Shuddodhan

(c) Narendra

(d) Siddhartha


(iv) The fort of Maheshwar was built by……………

(a) Rani Durgawati

(c) Rani Ahilya Bai

(b) Rani Karnawati

(d) Rani Laxmi Bai


Q.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct word:

(i) minutes make an hour(sixty/thirty)

(ii) A is siting on the branch. (monkey/monkeys)

(iii) live in nests. (Birds/Cows)

(iv) There are months in a year. (twelve/ten)


Q.3.(i) Write the plurals of the following: (any three)

boy – ………………….

monkey – ………………….

bird – ………………….

baby – ………………….


(ii) Write the opposite gender of the following: (any three)

tiger – ………………….

girl – ………………….

wife – ………………….

hero – ………………….


(iii) Choose the most appropriate adjective and complete the sentence:

(smaller, wild, good)

(a) Deepa has very manners.

(b) A mouse is than a cat.

(c) The tiger is a animal.


(iv) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in brackets to complete the sentences.

(in. over, on)

(a) The horse jumped the fence.

(b) There is some milk the jug.

(c) The book is the table


(v) Punctuate the following sentence:

what does mohan do


Q.4.(A) Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each: (any three)

(i) What is a multimedia lesson?

(ii) Where did Siddharth find the wounded swan?

(iii) When do we celebrate Diwali?

(iv) Who built the Maheshwar fort?


(B) Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each: (any two)

(i) Who has given us father and mother?

(ii) How many seasons are there in a year?

(iii) Which flowers are mentioned in the poem, ‘Spring is Coming’?


Q.5.(i) Write an application to your Headmaster for two days leave.


Write a letter to your friend Pankaj informing him about your preparations for the coming examination.


(ii) Write a short note on any one of the following:

(a) My school

(b) The cow

(c) Any festival

(d) My best friend


(iii) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it :

One day, a man was walking through a desert. After sometime. he became thirsty. He found a tree nearby. He sat under the tree. He thought. “Oh there is no water any where”. Suddenly a glass full of cold water came in front of him. The traveller was happy and drank the water. After a few minutes the traveller thought, “Oh. I have nothing to eat”! Suddenly a basket full of fruits appeared before him. The traveller ate happily. He thanked the tree and continued his journey.

Questions :

(a) Where was the man walking?

(b) What did he find?

(c) Who gave fruits to the traveller?

(d) Whom did he thank?

(e) Find the opposite of the following words from the passage:

sad, hot


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